Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Tactics for Spiritual Peace and Freedom

Spiritual warfare may be an alienating concept for many of us. Even I was almost taken by surprise when I first came to know about the term. However most of you will be more surprised to know that this practice and concept has been into existence for years. In all the religions and cultures, the fight of the good and evil is into existence. Whether you are aware of it or not, you also in some way is practicing this warfare and using its weapons. The moment you chant prayers to provide security and right path you are fighting against the evil and countering the tactics of the enemy, in this case the devil.
Those of you who have read religious writings and dialects like the Bible; there is depiction of one common concept in all. The existence of the devil it is, every writing of all religions have warned human of the invisible evil force that drives them towards the unholy path luring them with several temptations.
The solution
Spiritual warfare is the solution for dealing with presence of devil in your life. Evil cast its shadows in every sphere of your life- be it professional, personal, your kids are affected with its presence, your morale is hampered and worse of all your soul is all eaten up by it. Many of you will be finding this concept and the overall theory of spirituality as absurd. There is no one to blame which the development and so called modern lifestyle human has become the architect of his own demise. You may not in particular find the presence of devil in your life but many of your problems can be because of his existence.
Ignorance is the tool in the hands of the devil which makes him more powerful. Your ignorance of the fact that spiritual weapons can help you to win over the evil present in your life makes the devil more powerful.
At this very moment, if you will be asking me for the evidences or the case studies to prove my claims then there is nothing. Spirituality and its practice is something which can only be experienced as when it is stated to non believers they just take it is as an absurd fantasy or fiction. For those of you who are really this kind I think the writings of people like Merrill Unger and William Gurnall can help you.
What not to expect?
Most of you will easily shy away from the path of fighting the devil as you will see no results to be specific early results. Fight for freedom from the devil is tough and it needs extreme sincerity and dedication.
Tough to state in words and even tougher to practice in reality- for those who are looking for a way to spirituality, there is plenty of help available. There are many online resources where notable teachers lead you in the fight against the evil. There you will find detailed information on weapons which can be used for the purpose of spiritual freedom and peace.

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